Ohio State Alumni Awards

Ohio State Alumni Awards
Buckeyes lead with purpose in all our pursuits, advancing excellence and inspiring others to act. Annually, we recognize alumni who embody these traits and uplift our communities.
At Ohio State, we know our people have the potential to change the world
We encourage you to recognize those alumni who are the best representatives of our university in their communities and are committed to creating vibrant futures for all.
Nominations will close on March 7, 2025.
2024 Alumni Awards

The Honors
The highest honor afforded by The Ohio State University Alumni Association. It’s presented to alumni who have gained national or international distinction in their chosen field or profession — those advocates who have brought extraordinary credit to the university and significant benefit to humankind.
Presented to alumni who have superb records of career accomplishments and made outstanding professional contributions.
Awarded to those who have realized outstanding achievements advocating on behalf of Ohio State with one or more of its important audiences. It recognizes accomplishments ranging from student and faculty recruitment to advocacy with elected officials and thought leaders.
Granted to alumni who have made a significant and sustained contribution that fosters diversity and inclusion in their broader communities and/or organizations. The recipient will recognize and respect the value of individual differences, such as with race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran or military service status, gender identity, economic status, political belief, marital status or social background.
Presented to those whose volunteerism has enhanced the quality of student life at the university.
Presented to alumni who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and service to The Ohio State University.
Given to alumni who have distinguished themselves through service to humanity and who best exemplify the university’s motto, “Education for Citizenship.” Nominees will have performed significant voluntary service to their communities beyond the call of business or professional duty.
Awarded to young alumni who have demonstrated notable achievement through a career, civic involvement or both. Nominees must not reach their 36th birthday during the year in which the award is given.